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  田海龙(1978年- ),男,讲师,工学博士学位。2003年7月毕业于长安大学环境科学与工程学院环境工程专业,获得学士学位。毕业后到吉林化工学院资源与环境学院任教,2009年获得讲师资格。2007年9月-2010年3月在沈阳建筑大学深造学习,毕业后获得环境工程专业工学硕士学位。2010年9月考入吉林大学环境与资源学院,师从吉林大学国家海外高层次人才引进专家许天福教授攻读地下水科学与工程专业博士学位,2014年6月顺利毕业,获得工学博士学位,之后留校工作。2012年10月-2013年10月在国家留学基金委的资助下赴美国The University of Utah接受博士联合培养,2013年10月份按期回国。攻读博士学位期间公开发表论文10余篇,其中SCI检索4篇(第一作者两篇),EI检索6篇,参编专著2部。博士研究生期间参与导师承担的科研项目3项。






1、Hailong Tian, Feng Pan, Tianfu Xu, Brian J McPherson, Gaofan Yue, Prashanth Mandalaparty. Impacts of hydrological heterogeneities on the caprock mineral alteration and containment of CO2 geological storage sites. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 24:30-42. (SCI, IF=3.944)

2、Leilei Yang, Tianfu Xu, Bing Yang, Hailong Tian, Hongwu Lei.Effects of mineral composition and heterogeneity on the reservoir quality evolution due to CO2 intrusion. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2014, 15(3): 605-618. (SCI, IF: 3.054)

3、Hailong Tian, Tianfu Xu, Fugang Wang, Vivek V. Patil, Yuan Sun, Gaofan Yue (2013) A Numerical Study of Mineral Alteration and Self-sealing Efficiency of the Caprock for CO2 Geological Storage. Acta Geotechnica. DOI: 10.1007/s11440-013-0225-8. (SCI, IF=0.905)

4、Vivek V Patil, Brian J McPherson, Hailong Tian, Prashanth Mandalaparty, Tianfu Xu。Damköhler Number Framework for Characterization of Fault Sealing vs. Opening in CCUS。12th Annual CCUS Conference,2013/5/14。

5、王力娟, 刘立, 杨会东, 田海龙, 刘娜, 孟繁奇, 于淼. (2013).松辽盆地南部红岗阶地和华字井阶地含片钠铝石砂岩中的黏土矿物特征. 中南大学学报(自然科学版),44(6):2392-2401.(EI)

6、Yue, Gaofan; Tian, Hailong; Xu, Tianfu; Wang, Fugang (2012) Migration and storage mechanisms of CO2 with different injection rates. Advanced Materials Research 588-589: 15-20. (EI)

7、Li, Yan; Tian, Hailong; Zhuo, Zou; Sun, Yuan (2012) The potential effect of CO2-water-rock reaction on the caprock formation (mudstone) case study. Advanced Materials Research 518-523:140-143 .(EI)

8、Tianfu Xu, Liange Zheng, Hailong Tian (2011). Reactive transport modeling for CO2 geological sequestration. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 78 :765-777 .(SCI=0.997)

9、Hailong Tian, Tianfu Xu , Fu-gang Wang (2011) Simulation and Analysis of Geological Sequestration Environment Factors Change Caused by CO2 Injection. RSETE2011-Proceedings,International Conference on Digital Object 8484-8487. (EI)

10、Shi, Yan; Tian, Hailong; Lei, Hongwu; Xu, Tianfu (2011) Simulation and sensitivity analysis on temperature field of heat transmission in single underground thermal well. TMEE 2011 1386-1389 .(EI)




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